Nauczycielskie okopy Świętej Trójcy

Nauczycielskie okopy Świętej Trójcy


  • Bożena Uścińska, mgr Dolnośląska Szkoła Wyższa


Some negative implications of trainings which trainers receive while teaching are discussed in the article. Reasons as well as symptoms of reluctance to improve professional competences often observed in teachers’ behavior are also examined with great care in this text. The authoress is par- ticularly interested in roles (Victim, Persecutor, Rescuer) played by teachers (Victim, Persecutor, Rescuer) being participant of trainings organized by their authority in schools in which they are employed. She points out negative influence of these roles on a process of teaching. Communica- tional games disturb teachers’ education exceptionally. Games occur at the same time when partic- ipants start playing a chosen role of the Dramatic Triangle. They unable to realize a main goal of the training. They also make a trainer frustrated. As a result of such vicious circle the teachers come to the conviction that trainings are senseless. The Transactional Analyses unable to explain the mechanism of communicational games the teachers play. Typical problems in teaching teach- ers come from lack of Adult – Adult level of communication between a trainer and participants. Teachers prefer to communicate using the Child (both adapted and rebelled) level or a Parent level (a presecutor).


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Author Biography

Bożena Uścińska, mgr, Dolnośląska Szkoła Wyższa

absolwentka psychologii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego oraz studiów podyplo- mowych zarządzanie kadrami oraz trener biznesu; od 1993 roku trener i doradca we własnej firmie szkoleniowej, gdzie prowadzi liczne szkolenia dla nauczycieli (rozwiązywanie konfliktów, mediacje, negocjacje w oświacie, wspieranie uczniów na wczesnym etapie edukacji, stres i wypalenie zawodowe itp.); pracownik dy- daktyczno-naukowy w Instytucie Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej.



How to Cite

Uścińska, B. (2012). Nauczycielskie okopy Świętej Trójcy. The Educational Transactional Analysis, (1), 67–76. Retrieved from



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