The Emergence of the Subject in the Autopoietically Conceived School


The essence of the article is to fully determine subjectivity in an autopoietic system, which a school might be. To begin with, we shall try to verify the meaning of a subject and subjectivity. When searching for their source references, we will refer to Aristotles and R. Descartes; thoughts, which will later be criticized as unfulfilled expectations of the modern and contemporary civilization. However, citing M. Heidegger’s opinions on the topic leads to a conclusion that the subject may be treated totally differently to the way described in professional literature. Bringing, therefore, a different depiction of the subject closer, we will try to demonstrate that it emerges where its connection meets with personality, which suggests that educating and shaping should be considered the most important branch of human knowledge. The completion of this thesis will, then, require an explanation of such notions as personality and educational practice. And since the latter is so important both for shaping personality and the emergence of the subject, we shall emphasise the institutionalized form of educational practice, i.e. class-lesson teaching, treated as an autopoietic system. Explaining the meaning of this system shall constitute the next phase of the considerations, whose aim will be to defend the belief that what will be brought in the classrooms in the form of resources and rules at the beginning of each school year will translate into shaping and educating personality and, at the same time, into the possibilities to self-experience by the subjectivity. As this view may evoke some reservations, we will refer to certain considerations about the existence of the so-called reconstructing subject, i.e. one being part of the sense of, for example, film screening, a theatre performance, a book. The article will end in some conclusions.

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