The Social Dimension of Applying Concepts and Acquiring knowledge


The article entitled Social aspects of gaining and transferring knowledge is a theoretical development of consequences resulting from current concepts of knowledge „without adjectives” – the most general depiction – L. Wittgenstein’s position, for analysis of educational processes and practise of contemporary school. Thus topic of the article lies between philosophy, pedagogy (social pedagogy) and didactics. That’s why knowledge is analysed from several chosen perspectives concentrated over various issues and categories connected by common social context of knowledge: on language, communication and social level. Knowledge should be treated as something more than just a sum of information but as a complex system of interpretation of the world getting shape along with the process of gaining communicational competences by students. Dialog should not be a tool for creating students’ cognitive uniformity, but a tool for creating differences. Thus, excessive formality of interactions between a teacher and a student, which is a characteristic feature of contemporary school, decreases effectiveness of gaining those competences. It shows critical image of authoritarian transfer of knowledge that dominates in educational practise of school. The author postulates greater caution should be attached to function of language and dialog forms of education (accepting common language, rejecting schematisation, creating space for free communication between students, acceptance of mistakes, errors and formal imperfections). 

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