Social changes and postmodern pedagogical approaches


Social reality, as well as educational reality, exists until some processes and changes take place. Reality is changing and trying to capture its invariable form means attempting the impossible. Everything which lasts in reality can last only thanks to systematically renewal through human actions in the stream of collective life. Changes in the area of education are the form of the educational process which contributes to creating theoretical and practical pedagogical approaches as well as appearing, disappearing or restructuring components of educational reality, i.e. structures, organizations, educational institutions and ‘educational order’, e.g. teacher-pupil relations, styles of teaching. Contemporary social development and postmodern cultural changes caused transformations of value system and educational norms. Pedagogical theories require opening to the unknown and applying techniques of adaptation, which enable this theories to adjust to changing rules and will favour permanent or impermanent, overt or covert, conscious or unconscious transformations of educational reality. The aim of the article is theoretical reflection on the image of postmodern teacher, which emerged as a result of implementations of the postmodern conceptions. The basis of analyses are changes from fordism to postfordism and from modernism to postmodernism which have resulted in changes in the area of pedagog

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