The communication in foreign languages as a challenge for participation in international educational exchange of university students
Pdf (Język Polski)


communication in foreign languages
linguistic competences
international educational mobility
Erasmus programme
university students


The goal of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the communication competencies (in foreign languages) and the chosen phenomena of the mobile society. A number of social researchers claims, that the “mobility” becomes one of the crucial values of contemporary society and the communication in foreign languages is among the key (esential) competences of citizens. This applies also to higher education system – internationalization of universities, participation in educational exchange programmes. The article aims to discuss the meaning of communication competencies in foreign language as a challenge for international educational mobility of youth. The issue is analyzed on the basis of author’s pilot research into the educational mobility (Erasmus+ program) of university students of the Faculty of Educational Studies of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (N = 92). A following research thesis was put forward: the approach to foreing educational mobility will be ambivalent. The vast majority of respondents considered the participation in the class at a foreign language and improving the proficiency in foreign language as the advantages of the involvement in the Erasmus+ program. Simultaneously, the lack of foreign language ability to participate in learning process is perceived as the essential threat associated with the foreign mobility.
Pdf (Język Polski)


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