Civilizational Trends vs. Homosexuality in the Context of the Conception of a Human Being
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human concepts


The text presents a discussion on homosexuality, the status of which is newly defined by modern societies. The basic etiological aspects of homosexuality in forms of a biological determinants model and a psychological-environmental model were presented. The description of these models was associated with anthropological reflection on a human being, rarely undertaken directly in a reflection on homosexuality. Two different anthropological concepts connected with etiologic models were presented: mechanistic-reductionist approach seems to dominate the perception of homosexuality through the lens of biological agents, while the personal approach (V.E. Frankl) is associated with the model described as a psychological-environmental one. The last part of the text contains a discussion on the right of an individual to change a sexual orientation and dangers of freedom restrictions resulting from promotion of so called affirmative therapy.

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