A Student a Distinct Person, a Teacher a Distinct Person. Educational Dialogue Against the Background of Józef Tischner’s Philosophical Conception of a Human Being
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Józef Tischner


The main purpose of this article is the transposition of the category of „otherness”, which derives from Józef Tischner’s philosophy of man, to the educational grounds and using it to present the relationship between the teacher and the student. The author of this article, basing his conclusions on Tischner’s inspiring idea formed in Spór o istnienie człowieka (The Dispute over Human Existence) and teaching traditions, describes the roles of the student and the teacher in educational process. He indicates the obstacles of dialogue possibilities and, at the same time, he points out the common ground which allows to seek agreement of both parties in school communication. The basis of this agreement is the sphere of axiology opened to exploring the value of „the Other” by searching together for the truth about the world.

Pdf (Język Polski)


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