Integration of Environmental Potentials for Promoting a Positive Model of Education Open to Diversity. The Context of Academic Tutoring


positive model of education


The issue addressed in this paper concerns the integration of the potential of the school and academic environments in favour of a positive education model open to diversity and its promotion through the animation of joint activities. The context is tutoring as a qualitative change and a personalised form in education. The tutoring programme "Student as Researcher, Scientist, and Discoverer" aims to strengthen cooperation between higher education institutions and secondary schools by enabling students to conduct scientific research under the supervision of a tutor - a research and teaching staff member. The synergy of the mutual potential of the secondary school and university educational environments fits into the area of education management, supporting students' individual development, creating conditions for the development of interests, talents, and passions, and promoting their achievements. The implemented project fits into the perspective of Education of Tomorrow - seen as a multifaceted, innovative, and prospective process.


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