The study entitled Interactive teaching methods support diversity and educational and social inclusion analyzes the influence of interactive methods on the class of students as a social group, under the conditions of their presence in the didactic act, respectively the changes that occur in the learning process of students as a result of their use. The research method used was the semi-structured interview. The sample of participants consisted of 25 secondary school students. The results of the research provide information about the educational and social effects experienced by students as a result of integrating interactive methods into lessons. Specifically, it is evident that freedom of expression and action, the realization that each person is unique, the fact that human diversity is absolutely natural are benefits that accompany the presence of interactive methods. Certainly, the feeling of belonging to the group, the feeling of educational and social inclusion, the increased cohesion of the group of pupils, the confidence in one's own potential are the results of teamwork, the encouragement of free expression and dialogue, which are characteristic features of interactive methods. The learning process also undergoes important changes, with interactive methods having a positive impact on the understanding of new information, school motivation, and interest in learning is also enhanced by encouraging free, open expression. In conclusion, the diversity as well as the educational and social inclusion of secondary school students is really supported by the optimal use of interactive teaching methods.
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