The The Dynamism of Character as a Tool for Supporting Teachers in Diverse Educational Environments. The Application of Mazur's Theory in Inclusive Education


inclisive education
diversity management
cybernetic of character
educational personalization


This publication discusses Marian Mazur's Cybernetic Theory of Character in the context of its application in inclusive education and managing diversity in school classrooms. Modern education faces challenges arising from the increasing diversity of students, which requires adapting teaching methods to meet the individual needs of students with varying predispositions and learning styles. Mazur's theory, based on the analysis of character dynamism, offers teachers a tool for better understanding the internal decision-making mechanisms of students, which can support more effective management of diverse groups. The paper also presents the results of empirical research conducted in a Youth Educational Center. These studies demonstrated that profiling the dynamism of character is more relevant than assigning a fixed character category in terms of adapting educational processes to the individual predispositions of students.


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