Maxime Rovere (2021), Co zrobić z idiotami. I jak samemu nie wyjść na idiotę, tłum. Maria Zawadzka-Strączek, Kraków: IW ZNAK, ss. 238.


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Maxime Rovere
social relations


The text being presented is a review paper referring to the publication by Maxime Rovere (2021), Co zrobić z idiotami. I jak samemu nie wyjść na idiotę, translated by Maria ZawadzkaStrączek, Kraków: IW ZNAK, pp. 238. The title of the book of this French philosopher contains the word ‘idiota’ (which is the Polish word for ‘idiot’), which is the subject-matter of a multi-dimensional reflection in this paper. In the publication referred to in this paper, Rovere perceives idiots from the philosophical point of view as a problem relevant to relationships, society and psychology (intrapsychic). The author discusses the above-indicated issues in interdisciplinary terms, presenting the diverse possibilities of interpreting the notion referred to in the title of the book. In turn, social, professional, family-related and educational contexts are addressed by the author in his book.
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Maxime Rovere (2021), Co zrobić z idiotami. I jak samemu nie wyjść na idiotę, tłum. Maria Zawadzka-Strączek, Kraków: IW ZNAK, ss. 238.

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