Multiculturality in the (before)pandemic world and its meaning for the multicultural learning process
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multicultural learning
multicultural society


The phenomena of multiculturality is one of the key determinants that create the modern world and multicultural relations based among others on the meeting with the Other. The main purpose of the considerations in the presented text is to point the way how epidemiological threat connected with the expansion of SarsCov2 virus has changed the perspective of preception of multiculturality and at the same time how it has determined (perhaps) the new thinking of the need of multicultural interactions. The author of the article appeals to both interdisciplinary literature subject and makes her own thoughts about the phenomena of multiculturality, presenting its meaning for the learning process. In the final part the most important conclusions and rethoughts about the multicultural society, chances and possibilities of its development in the globalised (before)pandemic world are contained.
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