Published: 2019-10-041

Assimilation of Folk Prototypes in Polish Artistic Song – Outline of the Issue

Edukacja Muzyczna
Section: Research articles


The article aims at presenting different manners in which the folk songs (mainly Slavic songs) exist within the Polish art song since its creation (as long as we recognize S. Moniuszko and F. Chopin as the fathers of the Polish song), throughout the second half of the 19th century, until 

the beginning of the 20th century (M. Karłowicz, K. Szymanowski). This period was chosen on account of the popularity of the song genre in the works of many composers of the time in question.

The genres which had a significant influence on the formation of Polish art song include: his- torical songs, called duma, Cossack dumas, which however, had only an indirect influence on Polish songs (mainly in terms of subject matter, and not of structural features), folk songs, songs called dumkas, and folk ballads. Folklore by its very nature makes a cultural connection between neighbouring areas or areas that are related to one another in any other way. Owing to these links, we can find – in the Polish art song – motifs, themes, borrowings and quotations coming fromSlavic centres whose culture is so similar to ours. Also we shouldn’t forget the significant inspira- tions from the Lithuanian folklore, that is from the country which at some point in its history and in certain regions has undergone the phenomenon of Slavisation. In the summary, the author indi- cates the basic features of art songs in the context of their connections with folklore.


Polish art song, folk song, folk ballad, duma, dumka, Slavism, folk elements in Polish art song

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SUSKA-ZAGÓRSKA, K. (2019). Assimilation of Folk Prototypes in Polish Artistic Song – Outline of the Issue. Edukacja Muzyczna, 12, 117–146.

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