Review procedure

Description of the review procedure

Submitting a text for publication in the journal "Edukacja Muzyczna" is tantamount to the author's consent to the review procedure. The texts submitted to the editorial board are first subject to preliminary evaluation. At this stage the text may be rejected if it contains at least one of the following deficiencies: it does not correspond to the profile of the journal, does not display any originality, does not meet editorial requirements, does not respect the guidelines for authors, infringes the rules of publication ethics. The editorial board reserves the right to make changes in the submitted texts (e.g. correction of identified errors, adding or changing titles and mid-titles, etc.), as well as other changes resulting from editorial and stylistic principles and concerning text abridgments, etc.

In the absence of comments, the text receives an identification code, which is used in the review procedure. It is then forwarded to at least two reviewers who are specialists in the field to which the submitted article relates. The reviewers have at least a post-doctoral degree (in the case of Polish reviewers) and are not members of the journal's editorial staff. Reviewers and authors remain unknown to each other (double-blind review process).

Submitted works are not sent to reviewers whose affiliation is the same as the affiliation of the author and to people who may have a conflict of interest with the author. A conflict of interest is considered to be a direct personal relationship between the reviewer and the author (second degree of kinship, legal relationship, marital relationship), professional relationship including e.g. professional subordination or direct scientific cooperation during the last 2 years preceding the year of the review. Reviewers provide a declaration of no conflict of interest with the author of the reviewed article, which is included in the review form, paragaph 13.

The reviewers, apart from substantive comments, indicate their opinion in the review form, which is taken into account by the editors of the journal:

  • acceptable without further modification
  • acceptable with revisions recommended by the reviewer
  • acceptable with major content-related revisions
  • repeat the review process after major corrections and revisions 
  • unacceptable for publication.

The author is informed about the outcome of the review, then communication with the editorial board concerning any comments or acceptance for publication is possible. The author makes a statement about complying with the reviewers’ comments. 

The final decision on the article's admission to publication is made by the Editor-in-Chief after possible consultation of the Scientific Council.

Model review form to download:     pdf>>   docx>>

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