our authors

We would like to invite you to take a look at the interviews conducted with the Authors and Contributors of selected articles published in the journal Fundamentals of Education. This section will consequently be expanded with further recordings when the next volumes are published. We hope that this visual form of familiarisation with the content of the published texts will gain your interest.

The first interview appearing in the proposed series concerns the publication of

Jani-Demetriou, B., Lévai-Kerekes, E.(2023). Possible ways of trans-languaging at the school's micro-level. The aftermath of a translanguaging project of introducing non-standardised ways of speaking to school for Roma bilingual children. Fundamentals of Education. Equal opportunities for all or fair chances to all in education, 16, 121-141. [LINK]

Interview conducted by Judit Pazonyi, PhD.

The second interview was conducted in reference to the article

Borecka-Biernat, D. (2023). Parental Influence Modelling the Formation of Adolescents' Coping Strategies in Situations of Social Conflict.Podstawy Edukacji. Equal oppor-tunities for all or fair chances to all in education,16,57–75. [LINK]

The interview was conducted by Journal Editor dr hab. Małgorzata Piasecka, prof. UJD

The third interview we present concerns another interesting publication

Ziębacz, I. (2024). The Dynamism of Character as a Tool for Supporting Teachers in Diverse Educational Environments. The Application of Mazur’s Theory in Inclusive Ed-ucation. Podstawy Edukacji. Education for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, 17,143–160. [LINK] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zSZ6YDDGJc&t=7s