Shaping the subjectivity of infants on the example of the intervention of the Intervention Center in Czestochowa


The article focuses on the historical, social and psychological understanding of child’s subjectivity. The author attempts to answer the following question: What developmental possibilities have the children abandoned as infants? First, the reader becomes acquainted with historical background and the influence of ratifying the Convention of the Rights of the Child on the legal standing of children. Further, the views of acknowledged educators such as J. Korczak and M. Łopatkowa are presented; consequently the author analyses the influence of abandonment on child’s psyche in the light of modern psychology. The last part of this article describes work of the Pre-adoption Intervention Center in Częstochowa. It is one of very few such centers in Poland that offers assistance to sick and disabled children awaiting adoption. The author describes everyday activities and endeavours which focus on respecting child’s subjectivity and are undertaken in this institution.

Pdf (Język Polski)


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