The Role of Aesthetic Experience in the Process of Adult Self-Education


This article discusses art from an education perspective, particularly from the point of view of education through art idea. It concerns the cognitive and ethical role of esthetic experience. If someone wants to understand a certain value and really feel it, a certain kind of experience of this value must takes place in him or her. Art shapes the reflection of the world and its complexity and contact with esthetic objects seems to be an important basis for the process of self-formation of a human being throughout his whole life. It should also be an experience of adults. The education of the 21st century in its different forms – from traditional to online – is focused mostly on the problem of training, additional training and acquiring intellectual dispositions. As the process of self-training, which means self-acquisition of knowledge and abilities, is sometimes emphasized in the modern teaching programs and educational reports, then the matters of self-formation of one’s personality, working on oneself, the process of becoming in axiological aspect – the matters of self-education – are pushed aside. The process of formation of an axiological structure in a person does not have an end – there is no moment in one’s biography in which one’s personality would be fully defined.

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