What vision of education emerges from the transhumanist chaos?
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future of education
project Clouds over Sidra
project Eyeborg
project VEST
project BrainGate


Transhumanism is a philosophy whose essence is to use technology to overcome biological limitations of the man and improve the human condition. This overcoming and improvement are understood as freeing the man from illnesses, ageing processes, and achieving the state of full happiness, permanent, top excitement, as well as replacing many organs (and the entire body at some point) with artificial elements (better than the original ones). Transhumanism calls for maximum development and popularization of technology so that the above-mentioned full overcoming and human improvement could occur as soon as possible. This paper presents basic transhumanism ideas, stress the vision of education created within this philosophy and shows transhumanist projects (Clouds over Sidra, Eyeborg, VEST and BrainGate) that can transform education.

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