Students' Perception of Learning Environment: As-Is and Should-Be


learning environment
school climat
school relationships


School environment is most often analysed from an adult viewpoint. This study shows various aspects of school life from students’ perspective in actual and preferred terms (teachers’ perception has been excluded) who experience and face various situations occurring at school environment. The research was executed among 1195 students, attending elementary school from 4th to 8th grade. The research tool was TROFLEI questionnaire (Technology-Rich Outcomes-Focused Learning Environment Inventory). The study has enabled identification of those aspects of everyday school reality, which are of utmost importance to the students. The study results suggest a change of teaching methods and styles in Polish school, as well as dropping the schematic approach, paying attention to student’s personal development and interpersonal relationships among students and between students and teachers. All that constitutes a necessary condition to create friendly atmosphere at school and determines successful realization of its function.


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