Subjective control of emotions in the opinion of students




Emotions influence the subjective feeling of well-being and coping with difficulties and problems in various situations in life. That is why researchers often show them in explaining everyday events that impact the standard of living, education, and productivity at work and translate into the quality of human health. This article aims to analyse the level of emotions in students` lives who started their studies in science and humanities. The research used a self-project among 383 students at The University of Rzeszów and the Rzeszów University of Technology. I used the method of a diagnostic survey and a standardised tool examining the Emotional Control Scale (CECS) by Maggie Watson and Steven Greer from Faith Courtauld Unit, King’s College Hospital Medical School in London, which was adapted to the Polish version by Siegfried Juczyński (Juczyński, 2001, p. 55). The results showed an average level of emotional control among the surveyed students. The following independent variables were considered: University, gender, age, place of residence and wealth of the inhabitants. In one study on the anger scale, there was a variation in the statistical significance depending on the age of the subjects. However, considering the average, students from Rzeszów University showed slightly higher suppression of negative emotions than those from Rzeszów University of Technology students. In terms of gender, women indicated a higher average than men. The average level of suppression of negative emotions among the respondents indicates the strengthening of the system of education in various threats from the manifestation of anger, depression, and anxiety among high school and university students. Teachers must strengthen their abilities to counteract these and other negative features among students.


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