Sport facilities and their social meaning – in the past and present


sports buildings

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Pawlikowska-Piechotka, A. (2021). Sport facilities and their social meaning – in the past and present . Sport and Tourism Central European Journal, 4(2), 125–136.


The social significance of sports buildings, their function and role, have been changing within centuries. In some aspects, they are constant and harmonious, in some – quick and dynamic, but their ways are to answer the needs and expectations of their host society. In Europe, for more than three millennia, the development of individual disciplines has been accompanied by the evolution of sports facilities. To meet these needs, expectations and requirements - the architecture of sports facilities should be highly diverse. This variety is manifested in various styles, constructions, building materials, forms, and functions – depending on a given era, on the role, on the environmental and landscape features, on the social expectations, and the possibilities of implementation and political situation. However, their prominent role is universal: great usefulness for the society, their involvement in creating the tradition and identity of the site. They should always respond well to the emotions of extreme sports, equating beauty and nobility with the utility and ethos of sports competitions. In 2020, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemics proved how important and valuable is flexibility, the readiness of sports facilities to meet unexpected challenges and new situations.