Rules for preparing publications

Rules for preparing publications

I. Basic requirements

  1. The document should be delivered in electronic form (e-mail address: in a "doc" or "docx" file (Word program).
  2. Format: A4 standard typescript (margins: 25 mm), Times New Roman, 12 points, 1.5 line spacing.
  3. The font size in supplementary materials (tables, footnotes, captions) should be 2 points lower than the font size of the main text (10 points). The maximum width of tables and figures is 12.5 cm vertically and 18 cm horizontally.
  4. Author's name in the upper left corner, affiliation below; the text's title is centred and bold.
  5. The article should be accompanied by: its summary in Polish and English and keywords (maximum 5 (five) terms) in Polish and English.
  6. The author himself prepares summaries in Polish and English. The outlines should be a shortened version of the article. Each attached abstract should not be longer than 200 words. The article's title should be placed above the text of the abstract (if the abstract is in English, the title should also be translated into English).
  7. When using any materials from other publications, the provisions of copyright law must be observed.

II. Main text

  1. Paragraphs should be started with indentation set the same for the entire document (using the top ruler or in the paragraph formatting window).
  2. Exact quotations are entered using "print" quotation marks. In addition, a reference within a quote is marked with «French» quotation marks. French quotation marks should be inserted from the character table (command: insert symbol). You can also use a separate paragraph with a smaller font size.
  3. The lexicon in question is written in italics (italics).
  4. The following items are also written in italics (in italics): titles of printed works (On Good and Bad Polish, Kamienie na Szaniec), foreign-language insertions (by the way, ex lege), systematic Latin names (Corvus corvus), Italian musical terms (legato).
  5. Parts of the text may be distinguished by making them bold or spaced out. Emphasis by underlining is not used. You should also avoid combining several types of distinctions. Instead, distinctions should be applied uniformly and consistently within a given work.

III. Rules for providing bibliographic information

  1. APA style applies. Bibliographic references are placed in the text, and a bibliography is at the end of the article.
  2. A bibliographic reference in the text consists of the author's surname and the date of publication of the source in round brackets, separated by a comma, e.g. (Łukaszewicz, 2005).

In the case of exact quotations, the page number is also given, separated from the year of publication by a comma, e.g. (Łukaszewicz, 2005, p. 74). If several works by the same author were published in the same year, add the letters "a", "b", and "c" (without spaces) after the date.

  1. The form ibidem/ibidem is not used. Instead, the name of the author is given each time. Works by two authors are listed with both names mentioned (Prigogine, Stenger, 1990). Works by 3–5 authors: in the first citation, all names are given; in subsequent citations, only the first and the formula "et al." Works by six or more authors: in both the first and following citations, only the name of the first author and the formula "et al." are given.

IV. Examples of bibliographic description

  1. Monograph

Klus-Stańska, D. (2010). Dydaktyka wobec chaosu pojęć i zdarzeń. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Akademickie ŻAK.

Bandura, A. (1973). Aggression: A social learning analysis. New Jersey: Prentice-Hill.

  1. An article in a collective work or non-periodical publication

Bakula, K. (2006). Efekt motyla, swobodnie mówiąc. In: K. Bakuła, D. Heck (eds.), Efekt motyla: humaniści wobec teorii chaosu (pp. 24–78). Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.

Smetana, J. (1991). Adolescents’ and mothers’ evaluations of justifications forconflicts. In: R. Paikoff (ed.), Shared views in the family during adolescence: New directions for child development (pp. 252–273). San Fracisco: Jossey-Bass.

  1. Edited work

Bakuła, K., Heck, D. (eds.). (2006). Efekt motyla: humaniści wobec teorii chaosu. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.

Paikoff, R., (ed.), Shared views in the family during adolescence: New directions for child development. San Fracisco: Jossey-Bass.

  1. Journal article

Serafin, K. (2013). Aksjologiczny wymiar tożsamości podmiotu osobowego w ujęciu Marii Gołaszewskiej. Świdnickie Studia Teologiczne, 10, 319–331.

De Wied, M., Branje, S., Meeus, W. (2007). Empathy and conflict resolution in friendship relations among adolescents. Aggressive Behavior, 33(1), 48–55.


If the article has a DOI number, it should be given at the end of the bibliographic description (after a period) in the form of an active hyperlink.