Support projects

The journal Fundamentals of Education has received funding under the projects of the Ministry of Education and Science, now the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Project "Support for scientific journals" for 2019-2020 for the journal Fundamentals of Education (completed).

As part of the project, periodic meetings of the editorial board were held and the concept of development of publishing and editing practices and their impact on the internationalization of the journal was analyzed. A seminar and training for the editorial staff was organized. Training on the new functionalities of the purchased hardware and software for the journal's editing work was organized. The eligibility requirements for applying to the SCOPUS database were recognized and a pre-evaluation to the database was performed. In contact with other leading editors of Polish scientific journals, detailed ethical rules for publishing articles in the journal were consulted and constructed. Activities conducive to improving the quality of publishing activities were initiated, including: purchase of a professional computer workstation with software, promotion of the journal in professional portals and social media. A website in various languages was developed and its visual aspect was improved to make it easy to use, intuitive and clear. An online resource coordinator was hired in the Editorial Office, whose tasks include supporting editorial work to adapt the requirements of journal databases, and updating and posting data in databases and repositories.

Project "Development of scientific journals" for 2021-2024 for the journal "Fundamentals of Education" (in progress).

The goal of the project is the development of the journal "Fundamentals of Education", which includes activities aimed at raising the level of publishing and editorial practices and maintaining the journal in international scientific circulation. The strategy for the development of publishing and editing practices includes a priority of wide-ranging activities, resulting from the indications specified in the report made in connection with the pre-evaluation of the journal in the SCOPUS database.

The planned effect to be achieved as a result of the project activities is the application to the SCOPUS database and Web of Science through the submission of appropriate evaluation questionnaires, as well as the expansion of the scope of publishing activities and the successive improvement of the quality level of the journal.