Published: 2019-10-041

Does Slavic Music Exist?

Magdalena DZIADEK
Edukacja Muzyczna
Section: Research articles


The article is devoted to the review of historical approaches to the issue of Slavic music. The basic thread of the analysis concerns differences in perception of the idea of Slavic music depend- ing on the adopted geographic and geopolitical criteria, and also – their relation to a so-called Slavic ideology as a community movement, which integrated various projects of political, eco- nomical and cultural Slavic union within Central Europe. The title question: “Does Slavic music exist” is a provocation to expose the moments in the history of this music that inhibited, or evenprecluded, its development. The article suggests reasons for those retardations, which mainly resulted from deep differences in attitudes characterizing particular nations – members of the mythical Slavic community.


Slavic music, Central Europe, Slavs, compositional output of 19th and 20th century, musical criticism

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DZIADEK, M. (2019). Does Slavic Music Exist?. Edukacja Muzyczna, 9, 9–18.

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