Published: 2019-10-041

Wojciech Łukaszewski as a music critic

Marcin Tadeusz ŁUKASZEWSKI
Edukacja Muzyczna
Section: Research articles


The article describes Wojciech Łukaszewski’s journalistic work (1936–1978). He was a com- poser, a teacher, the principal of the music school in Czestochowa from 1971 to 1978, a music critic and a music animator. The introduction to the article summarises Łukaszewski’s major sci- entific works. They include scientific essays, dictionary and encyclopaedia entries as well as mas-ter’s theses. More information on this subject can be found in my article Stan badań nad życiem i działalnością Wojciecha Łukaszewskiego (1936–1978) [‘The state of research on the life andwork of Wojciech Łukaszewski (1936–1978)’], published in the journal: „Seminare. PoszukiwaniaNaukowe” [‘Seminare. Scientific research’], 2013, No. 34, pp. 351–365.

Apart from being a music critic, Łukaszewski was also a composer and a teacher. It was, how- ever, his additional occupation. Over the period 1968–1977, he was active as a journalist. Hecooperated with newspapers such as the daily “Życie Częstochowy” [‘Life of Czestochowa’], theweekly “Gazeta Częstochowska” [‘Częstochowa Newspaper’], and the biweekly “RuchMuzyczny” [‘Music Movement’]. The list of his reviews covers 122 articles, most of which were published in “Życie Częstochowy”. 99 out of 115 texts are concert reviews (mainly the Często- chowa Philharmonic concert reviews, educational music programs, sometimes amateur groups reviews and reflexions from trips abroad). 16 reviews concern the Youth Music Festival“Jeunesses Musicales” and Grażyna Bacewicz International Violin Competition. His reviews of the three first International Violin Competition were published in “Ruch Muzyczny” [‘MusicMovement’] (1968, 1969, 1970) while his articles on the Private Music Centre in Czestochowa could be read in “Gazeta Częstochowska” [‘Częstochowa Newspaper’] (1968, 1972, 1975). The collected journalistic work of Łukaszewski was published in 2009 in his book Muzyczne inter- ludia. Recenzje, sprawozdania, refleksje, wywiady [‘Musical interludes. Reviews, reports, reflec-tions, interviews’], edited by M.T. Łukaszewski, Musica Sacra Edition, Warsaw 2009.


Częstochowa Philharmonic, “Gazeta Częstochowska”, composer, music criticism, journalism, “Ruch Muzyczny”, music school, Wojciech Łukaszewski,, “Życie Częstochowy”

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ŁUKASZEWSKI, M. T. (2019). Wojciech Łukaszewski as a music critic. Edukacja Muzyczna, 10, 181–204.

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