Published: 2019-10-041

Searching for identity at the crossroads of cultures. St John Passion by Sofia Gubaidulina

Edukacja Muzyczna
Section: Research articles


The article presents the issue of coexistence of eastern and western cultural elements in the ar- tistic output of the Russian composer Sofia Gubaidulina, using as an example one of her most important works – ‘St John Passion’. The text gives priority to such questions as the presence ofthe genre of passion in the Eastern Church tradition or the source of inspiration for a work of art. Then author indicates the sources of the composition text and their theological meaning and finally describes the most important musical elements, which bind ‘St John Passion’ to the eastern andwestern culture and simultaneously constitute a recognizable stylistic idiom of the composer.


Sofia Gubajdulina, contemporary Russian music, religious music, passion

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STOCHNIOL, M. (2019). Searching for identity at the crossroads of cultures. St John Passion by Sofia Gubaidulina. Edukacja Muzyczna, 10, 107–117.

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