The image of public and private schools in the opinion of teachers working there
szkoła publiczna, szkoła niepubliczna, edukacja, nauczycielAbstract
The article is related to the functioning of public and non-public institutions in Poland - special attention was paid to primary schools. The most important theoretical issues were presented, referring to the available publications. The article presents the results of own research conducted in the school year 2021/2022 among teachers working in public and non-public primary schools in one of the Małopolska cities. 48 teachers participated in the research - 24 working in public schools and 24 teachers working in non-public institutions. The questions posed in the research allowed us to obtain information on, among others, what differences in work in public and private schools are perceived by teachers, what is the offer of these schools, what is the hourly working time of teachers, what benefits are perceived in a specific place and what difficulties they encounter . The article is of a theoretical and research nature.
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Ustawa z dnia 14 grudnia 2016 Prawo oświatowe. Dz.U.2021.1082.