Published: 2019-10-041

Władysław Żeleński in Prague

Edukacja Muzyczna
Section: Research articles


The article extensively discusses the Prague period of the artistic creation of Władysław Żeleński, one of the most important Polish composers and musical educationists of the second halfof 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. The author explains, among others, the reasons ofŻeleński’s departure for Prague in 1859, and also focuses on his musical education in this city. Readers can have a look behind the scenes of Żeleński’s doctoral studies at the faculty of philoso- phy at Charles University as well as get to know his activity in Prague student movement. Moreo- ver, the author presents in chronological order all the available mentions concerning creationalactivity of Żeleński in that period – his works as well as concerts, where the works were per- formed. There are also recalled Prague publications of Żeleński’s compositions and the voice ofPolish professional musical press, especially the reports of correspondents from Prague, amongothers Franciszek Stevich, and the reviews of Żeleński’s works by Józef Sikorski. Finally, the author raises the issue of Żeleński’s presence in Czech musical life already after his departure fromPrague, which took place in 1866.


Polish music on the turn of 19th/20th century, output of Polish composers, musical critique

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JACZYŃSKI, M. (2019). Władysław Żeleński in Prague. Edukacja Muzyczna, 9, 63–77.

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