Published: 2019-10-041

National Convertion of Henryk Hubertus Jabłoński – Choice or Vital Necessity?

Edukacja Muzyczna
Section: Research articles


Henryk Hubertus Jablonski (1915–1989) is one of the most important figures of Gdansk’s post-war musical life. The composer worked for the artists’ community in artistic and educational aswell as organizational terms. Jablonski’s music is extensively examined by the theoretical and musicological research. But many questions are raised by the composer’s biography, especiallyduring the pre-war period and immediately after the war. The basic research problem on which this text focuses is to determine under what circumstances and on what grounds the composer decided to undergo a national conversion and to change his name from Helmut Degler to Henryk Jablonski. For this purpose, the source materials of biographical character were analysed within a broader context of socio-political life of Gdansk between 1939 and 1948. As a result of the anal-ysis, the composer’s decision is gaining a deep multidimensional meaning and is becoming a partof Gdansk citizens’ fate in the post-war period.


national conversion, Gdańsk composer, Henryk Hubertus Jabłoński

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SCHILLER-RYDZEWSKA, J. (2019). National Convertion of Henryk Hubertus Jabłoński – Choice or Vital Necessity?. Edukacja Muzyczna, 12, 147–167.

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