Спеціалізована основа знань вчителя: концепція Лі Шульмана в контексті набуття студентами педагогічних знань




Słowa kluczowe:

a concept of Lee Shulman, student – a future teacher


In the article there are characterized ways of development of personal professional experience of student – future teacher, in the context of organization of his educationally-professional training taking into account a new specificity of an informational space of contemporary education, that is events of personal educational space. I is generalized that personal educational space in a whole has few psychological and pedagogical effects: “actual experience”, “safe presence”, “competence”, “own space”, “freedom of choice – a free operating in the borders of own space”, “personal values”. According to priority of direction in the article it is defined types of activity and communication in the net, that is usual and popular for most modern students. First, directed on a communication, has biggest amount of signs for free search, usual life cognition. Second, with previous focusing on the search of persons with same opinions, on a building of useful connections. Third, with pure direction on a presentation of himself, his experience, creation of his social face, image,and in the same time it is a testing of his ideas. Fourth is directed on a complex realization already of structurized own objectives of individual professional development by means of the net. Fifth, is clearly directed on a full professionally-oriented activity in the net.


Nakaz Ministerstva osvity i nauky Ukrainy «Pro zatverdzhennia Kontseptsii rozvytku pedahohichnoi osvity». № 776 vid 16 lypnia 2018, Kyiv, 2018, C.1-2.

Piatdesiat sovremennыkh mыslytelei ob obrazovanyy. Ot Pyazhe do nashykh dnei, per. s anhl. S.Y. Denykynoi; pod nauk. red. M.S. Dobriakovoi, Moskva 2012.

