Projektowanie zrównoważonego środowiska edukacyjnego
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
zrównoważony rozwój, zrównoważone środowisko edukacyjne, zrównoważone środowisko życia, projektowanie zmian, edukacja, środowisko edukacyjneAbstrakt
The text presents the impact of the idea of sustainable development on shaping the educational environment. It was pointed out that change as a constitutive trait of sustainable development implies positive changes in the educational environment. Examples of practical actions for disseminating the idea of sustainable development in child education are presented. The shaping of a sustainable educational environment should be treated as a harmonious activity, including relations with the natural and socio-cultural environment. Structural element of the learning environment is education entities. The idea of sustainable development in relation to education must be considered in the ecological, social and economic perspective. This means that a sustainable educational environment should include a network of connections in the areas of: ecology - society - economics - law.