Nauczyciel jako twórca procesu edukacyjnego a kreatywna aktywność muzyczna uczniów nauczania początkowego
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
uczeń, nauczyciel, proces edukacyjny, kreatywność, edukacja muzycznaAbstrakt
Nowadays children/ pupils/ teenagers grow up in more open and dynamic environment, what poses new challenges to them. The student's and teacher's creative activity in school environment becomes more and more significant. The teacher entangled in systemic, educational and curricular changes which are being effectuated, tries to enrich the lessons so they are attractive for students, and to find himself in new reality as well. The present article shows the teacher as a creator involved in students' educational process. In this process the teacher sees the advantages of students' creative musical activity during the classes, and skilfully implements the children into the world of values, culture and science.