Ad maiorem Dei gloriam. Eksjezuici w służbie Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w szkole w Kamieńcu Podolskim
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Komisja Edukacji Narodowej, nauczyciele, szkoły wyższe, Kamieniec PodolskiAbstrakt
After the liquidation of the Society of Jesuit by a papal brief of July 21, 1773, the National Education Board, created on October 14, detained in high schools all former Jesuits. Despite difficult financial conditions and the lack of textbooks or other didactic aids, they worked diligently and conscientiously, adapting to the expectations of the new educational authority and teaching according to new programs.
The paper presents a group former members of the Society of Jesus who worked at the school in Kamieniec Podolski, both retired and receiving benefits at the aforementioned institution, as well as those who remained in active service as the school's heads or teachers. It discusses their education and the pedagogical work prior the dissolution of the Society and under the National Education Board. The programs introduced to schools by the NEB were not completely foreign to the ex-friars. As early as in the mid-18th century, the Jesuits had already introduced modern languages, law of nations, history, geography, civil and military architecture, and experimental physics into their noble colleges. Ex-Jesuits working as teachers at the school in Kamieniec Podolski were undeniably well prepared for their duty at denominational schools as well as favorably reviewed by the Board's inspectors.