Analityka ilościowa i jakościowa a kształcenie w społeczeństwie sieci
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
analiza ilościowa i jakościowa, Big & Small Data, cyberprzestrzeń, komunikacja (komputerowa), kształcenie multimedialne, rafinacja informacji (sieciowa), społeczeństwo sieciAbstrakt
The article aims to show the possibilities of improvement of online education services using analytical techniques. The Experience API system, which provides insight into learning processes – towards the analysis of educational experiences, may prove particularly useful. Contemporary "Explosion of Big Data" also applies to global multimedia education systems. The limited data volumes remain considerable – to a certain extent. Hence analytical and predictive activities may also include Small Data. Databases require network refining processes - using quantitative and qualitative analysis mechanisms. The described activities aim at (1) adapting technological services to the needs of learners and (2) supporting commercialization activities that pertain to multimedia education – including analytical processes. Designing IT processes in education captures the above activities into the coherent completeness of learning environments in the network society.