Preparing Your Paper

Maximum volume of accepted papers: 20 A4 page, font: Arial or Calibri, space between lines: 1.5

All footnotes or annotations and works cited should follow the APA style (

Full information on the works cited should be listed in the alphabetical order in the References section, for example:

  • Book: Author, (Date of publication), Title of the book, Publisher, Place of publication.
  • Article in journal: Author, (Date of publication), Title of the article, “The Journal”, Issue number.
  • Articles in edited monographs: Author, (Date of publication), Title of the article, [in:] Title of the book, (ed.) Editor, Publisher, Place of publication.
  • In the case of bibliographic items written in the Cyrillic alphabet, please transliterate into the Latin alphabet. Please check whether the publications cited in the article have a DOI number (digital object identifier). If so, we include it in the bibliography.