Peculiarities of the formation of the system of physical culture and health in higher educational institutions of Ukraine (1920s)


  • Світлана ІВАНЧИКОВА Брестський державний університет імені О.С. Пушкіна



higher school, hygienization, militarization, system, formation, physical education, physical culture, physical culture and health activities


The article is devoted to the formation of the system of physical culture and health activities among Ukrainian students in 1920s, which are analyzed through the prism of the fundamental documents of that time about its implementation, as well as the pedagogical background, principles and experience of implementation in the Ukrainian higher school. To solve the research problems, scientific analysis and synthesis of specialized literary sources were used, which provided an opportunity to obtain a set of scientifically verified historical events and facts on the problems of scientific activity.

As a result of the historical and pedagogical research carried out by the author, the author proves the idea that, not denying the negative influence of totalitarianism on the life of Ukrainian society in the analyzed decade, numerous positive things were accumulated in the system of sports and recreational activities of higher educational institutions in the Ukraine, which ultimately manifested itself in mass enthusiasm of students in relation to physical culture.





History of Education