Internet addiction - challenges and strategies for dealing with digital dependency
Internet, addiction, web, smartphon, children, new technologiesAbstract
In today's world, media are an integral part of everyday functioning. Regardless of age, everyone uses them every day. One of the most popular mediums in the last decade is the Internet, which not only enables communication with other people, but is also a source of a lot of information. Using the Internet offers many possibilities. One of them is getting to know other people and their opinions. Unfortunately, excessive use of the Internet leads to addiction. Cyberspace also carries numerous threats. Especially young and inexperienced people are at risk of being harmed by someone they do not know and have never seen. The phenomenon of Internet addiction is a huge problem experienced by an increasing number of users all over the world. Long-term use of electronic devices, activity on social media and even obsessive involvement in online games are becoming more widespread and are generating serious side effects among various age groups. These are health issues such as difficulties with sleep or concentration, increased stress levels, depression, as well as decreased effectiveness and, above all, difficulties in maintaining social relationships. In this article, we will focus on the problem of Internet addiction. We will identify the difficulties that arise in the context of this phenomenon and present some methods that may be useful for people who want to overcome their digital dependencies. We will also present practical approaches and tools that allow you to regain control over your Internet use.
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