
  • Halyna Pyatakova Ivan Franko University in Lviv



educational trends, countries of the Visegrad group, master of philology, professional development, educational reforms


The article examines various approaches to defining trends in philosophy, sociology, and education. Emphasis is placed on the importance of the trend as a scientific category of comparative pedagogy, which is understood from the position of providing recommendations for the implementation of foreign experience for the development of national education.

          We analyze educational trends as trends that characterize qualitative changes in the direction of educational development and are directly related to the professional training of Masters in philological specialties. General trends have been identified as typical for the countries of the Visegrad Group throughout all stages of the development of higher education in the participating countries, but their manifestation is related to the development of the entire European higher education.

We consider leading trends to be trends that are decisive at a certain stage of the development of higher education and can be both common and different.

Education reforms started in Poland earlier than in other B4 countries. Attention is paid to the analysis of such modern educational trends in the professional training of masters of philological specialties in Polish universities, such as: the introduction of information and communication technologies, the formation of competencies as the results of Master's studies, the implementation of pan-European recommendations on language education; formation of EVO as a standard of knowledge about Europe; development of international cooperation of universities as a process of internationalization of education, participation in academic mobility.

It was concluded that the process of reforming higher education in Poland is characterized both by trends associated with changes under the influence of provisions, EC documents and the Bologna reform, and by those that appeared in the process of formation of B4. Conceptual trends in the professional training of masters in philology, which each B4 country takes into account in order to preserve its national education, are also important for Polish education.


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