Values as a Predicate in Modelling Women’s Careers in the Changing World of Work


  • Wioleta Duda Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa



career, work, values, aspirations, gender


The course of women's careers is a multifaceted issue, conditioned by a range of factors - from economic, social, legal to biological. Whether it is women's entry into the labour force, their value system, their aspirations or changes in their social position, it is a research perspective for demography, social welfare, family theology, social work, labour economics, social policy or labour pedagogy. All these areas and their determinants are changeable over time, which is reflected in the numerous scientific and research literature and requires constant observation. Work is one of the most important areas of adult life, so careers, their determinants, course and importance for human development are the subject of research interests of various scientific disciplines, including work pedagogy and andragogy. Access to professional work for women and men is still not equal, which implies difficulties in career development. The existing division of occupations into typically female and typically male, the much greater burden of family responsibilities on women, barriers to women's professional advancement mean that women's careers proceed differently from men's and are determined by other factors, including in particular the value system. Objective criteria such as education, competence or work experience are not always a point of reference for both employers and the individuals concerned.


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