Cultural management as an element of strategy of development of school social capital
education, school, culture, management, social policyAbstract
Besides various proposals of solving current problem with education crisis, some new eco-
nomic and social concepts appear, which are related to the notion of social capital. This article
attempts to analyse conditions of social capital formation in the school as well as some factors
that support its development. Particular attention is given to cultural management, which is per-
ceived as a determinant of effective development of informal values and ethical standards com-
mon for the school community. In the conclusion it is pointed out that the supreme value of such
strategic management of social capital is building relationships based on trust and partnership.
This creates innovative organizational culture of school community. Its characteristic features are:
a future orientation, elasticity and ability to act proactively. Thus, social capital becomes a bearer
of cultural values that cause positive changes in the dominating cultural system of contemporary
The article presents the following implications for practice or educational policy:
— Educational policy makers can familiarise themselves with the main dimensions of the social
organisation of the school, which in management theory are the basis for the growth of the
social capital of the school.
— Administrators can take action to develop an innovative organisational culture for the school
community, adapted to current and future changes in the school environment as an organisation.
— Educators can improve the individual educational environment of each pupil through cyber-
learning space, which is now becoming an increasingly attractive alternative to existing meth-
ods of shaping the social capital of the school.
— The participants of the educational process should together take part in the development of
innovative structures of the educational community’s relational bonds through cultural man-
agement which formats the organisational culture of the school’s social capital as a system of
meanings understood by the pupils and collectively accepted by them.
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