Working towards the Sustainable Development Goals: quality digital education during COVID-19
SDG, MOOC, Covid-19, digital proposal, learningAbstract
The last few years have shown a clear commitment to digital. In the case of the educational field, this new direction is being promoted by global objectives, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), specific legislation by each country, or technological progress itself. The Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) can be a good interrelation of all of them, especially in view of the arrival of the pandemic caused by the Covid-19. A digital proposal whose growth during the second decade of the 21st century has been very significant, some reasons to consider are how it favors lifelong learning and both synchronous and asynchronous teaching-learning methods. That is why in this article we intend to provide a reflective analysis of the necessary rethinking of education today and what the role of the MOOC can be in this new context.
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