Przemoc seksualna wobec dzieci w świetle analiz Zgromadzenia Parlamentarnego Rady Europy


  • Jerzy Jaskiernia Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach


Słowa kluczowe:

dzieci, przemoc seksualna, Rada Europy, ZPRE, konwencja z Lanzarote


Przemoc seksualna wobec dzieci jest poważnym wyzwaniem dla współczesnej społeczności międzynarodowej. Poszukiwane są sposoby bardziej skutecznego przeciwdziałania temu zjawisku. Szczególną rolę odgrywa Konwencja Rady Europy o ochronie dzieci przed seksualnym wykorzystywaniem i niegodziwym traktowaniem w celach seksualnych, CETS nr 201. Zgromadzenie Parlamentarne Rady Europy w uchwale 2330 (2020) oraz zaleceniu 2175 Przeciwdziałanie przemocy seksualnej wobec dzieci - intensyfikacja działań i współpracy w Europie,  przyjętych w dniu 26 czerwca 2020 r., dokonało oceny sytuacji w tej dziedzinie w Europie i przedstawiło zalecenia w kwestii bardziej skutecznego zwalczania tego zjawiska. Szczególne zaniepokojenie wiąże się z niebezpieczeństwami w tej dziedzinie w dobie pandemii Covid-19. Autor dokonał analizy tych dokumentów ZPRE w szerszym kontekście badań nad tym zjawiskiem i podkreślił ich znaczenie dla wysiłków międzynarodowych w celu zwalczania przemocy seksualnej wobec dzieci.


Normative acts and documents

ECPAT Terminology Guidelines for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (Luxembourg Guidelines).

The Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (Lanzarote Convention, CETS No. 201).

The Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention, CETS No. 210)

PACE Recommendation 2330 (2020) on 26 June 2020 Addressing sexual violence against children – stepping up action and co-operation in Europe.

PACE Resolution 2330 (2020) on 26 June 2020 Addressing sexual violence against children – stepping up action and co-operation in Europe.


Aronowitz A.A., National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings and Sexual Violence Against Children, the Netherlands, [in:] The Palgrave International Handbook of Human Trafficking, 2019.

Batlukov M., Questions to identify and prevent sexual violence against children, “Criminalistics and Forensics”, 7 May 2019

Bjørnseth I., Szabo A., Sexual Violence Against Children in Sports and Exercise: A Systematic Literature Review, “Journal of Child Sexual Abuse”, 2018, nr 4.

Bleeker M.,Van Der Staal E., Preventing Sexual Violence Against Children – Effective Sex Education, “Journal of Sexual Medicine”, 2017, nr 5.

Byers A., Sexual Assault and Abuse, Rosen Publishing Group, New York 2015.

Cabral T.O., Laureano I., Communication Design Against Child Sexual Violence, “Advances in Ergonomics in Design”, 2018, vol. 777.

Children and the Responsibility to Protect, ed. B. O’Costa, L. Glanville, Brill Nijhoff, Leiden 2019.

Dettmeijer-Vermeulen C., PL-24 Tackling Sexual Violence Against Children, “Journal of Sexual Medicin” 2017, nr 5.

Devires K.M., Meinck F., Sexual violence against children and adolescents in South Africa: making the invisible visible, “The Lancet Global Health”, 2018, nr 4.

Gill A.K., Harrison K., ‘I Am Talking About It Because I Want to Stop It’: Child Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Against Women in British South Asian Communities, “British Journal of Criminology” 2019, nr 3.

Grey R., Prosecuting Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes at the International Criminal Court: Practice, Progress and Potential, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2019.

Grey R., Sexual Violence against Child Soldiers: The limits and potential of international criminal law, “International Feminist Journal of Politics”, 2014, nr 4.

Guimarães J.A.T.L., Characteristics of physical and sexual violence against children and adolescents examined at the Forensic Medicine Institute in Maceió, Alagoas State, Brazil, “Cadernos de saúdepública”, 2011, nr 8.

Halder D., Child sexual abuse and protection laws in India, Sage Publication, New Delhi 2018.

Izdebska A., Długotrwałe konsekwencje przemocy seksualnej wobec dzieci, [in:] Człowiek w obliczu prawa, ed. B. Pastwa-Wojciechowska, „Impuls”, Kraków-Sopot 2008.

Jaskiernia J., Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, University of Warsaw, Council of Europe Information Centre, Warsaw 2003.

Kitzinger J., Framing Abuse: Media Influence and Public Understanding of Sexual Violence Against Children, Pluto Press, London 2004.

Lees S., Devries K., Local narratives of sexual and other violence against children and young people in Zanzibar, “Culture, Health &Sexuality”, 2018, nr 1.

Ling Chan K., Sexual Violence Against Women and Children in Chinese Societies, “Trauma, Violence & Abuse”, 2009, nr 1.

McAlinden A.M., Children as 'risk': sexual exploitation and abuse by children and young people, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2018.

Nutskova E.V., Diagnostic and forensic assessment of the psychological consequences of sexual violence and abuse against girls, “PsihologiâiPravo”, 2018, nr 4.

Pearce J., Becket H., Private/public bodies: ‘Normalised prevention’ of sexual violence against children, “Understanding and Responding to Child Sexual Exploitation”, 2018.

Protecting children from sexual violence: a comprehensive approach, Council of Europe, Strasbourg 2010.

Robertson S.M., Crimes against children: sexual violence and legal culture in New York City, 1880-1960, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill – London 2005.

Rodenhäuser T., Squaring the Circle: Prosecuting Sexual Violence against Child Soldiers by their ‘Own Forces’, “Journal of International Criminal Justice” 2016, nr 1.

Seto M., Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: theory, assessment, and intervention, American Psychological Association, Washington 2018.

Sexual abuse: intervention, coping strategies and psychological impact, ed. O. Persons, Nova Publishers, New York 2014.

Sexually Violent Predators: A Clinical Science Handbook, eds. W.T. O’Donohue, D.S. Bromberg, Cham 2019.

Trotz A., Three Letters against Sexual Violence against Children, “The Point is to Change the World”, 20 April 2020.

van As A.B., Physical and sexual violence against children, “South African Medical Journal”, 2016, nr 11.

von Hohendorff J., Nelson-Gardell D., Habigzang L.F., Koller S.H., An Integrative Conceptual Model for Enhanced Understanding of the Dynamics of Sexual Violence Against Children, “Vulnerable Children and Youth in Brazil”, 24 October 2017.

Ward C.L., Artz L., Leoschut L., Kaasanjee R., Burton P., Sexual violence against children in South Africa: a nationally representative cross-sectional study of prevalence and correlates, “The Lancet Global Health” 2018, nr 4.




