Museum exhibit in the system of multiple interpretations: pedagogical aspects of narratives




museum exhibit, museum education, narrative, interpretation, interdisciplinary


The article analyzes the problems of interpreting objects in a museum space from different contexts and perspectives. Particular attention is paid to the pedagogical aspects of the use of narrative in the museum. The author emphasizes that museum narrative is a form of museum work that a priori attracts the attention of museum educators, animators, mediators, gallery managers, exhibition curators and examines the museum object from the point of view of cultural heritage, active education of the young generation, development of general cultural competences, interdisciplinary, civic education system.

The author focuses on the importance of the appearance of various intermediaries in the museum, which indicates important changes that have taken place in modern museum practice and in cultural and educational work with visitors. The author concludes that education and narrative practices at the museum take place in a special, aesthetic and informative environment in which man feels his commitment to culture and the possibility of dialogue with it.


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