Social work with women from agricultural locations, which would brought: general principles and questions for professional preparation




social work, women, gender, rural areas


An article devoted to the issue of social work with women from rural areas that were violent, as well as coverage of approaches to training specialists providing social services to this category of population.

It is established that gender policy is based not only on international normative legal acts ratified by Ukraine, but also regulated by national legal acts on equality between women and men. An important area of ​​gender policy is the provision of equal rights and opportunities for women from rural areas, including the realization of their human rights.

At the same time, women in rural areas are more vulnerable to gender-based violence than women living in cities that require a specially designed program for their social and psychological rehabilitation.

As a result of the clarification of the content and focus of social work with women, the study of the regional experience of social services with women, the disclosure of the specifics of the training of future social workers to work with this category of citizens, recommendations for improving the quality of social services for women victims of domestic violence have been developed.


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