Discussion Method in developing discourse competence of students: the case of teaching Ukrainian in secondary schools





discussion method, discourse competence, spoken Ukrainian


This empirical study focuses on the overall question of how discourse competence, participation in classroom discussion, and language learning are related. The value of discussion method and its application in developing discourse competence of students at the lessons of the Ukrainian language in secondary schools have been substantiated. The author shares the results of development and experimental verification of the strategy enabling the educator to teach schoolchildren to create oral text in discussion replicas in the course of questions and answers. Discussion method has been used to teach schoolchildren to produce oral dialogue according to the rules of grammar and verbal etiquette of the Ukrainian language. At the same time, questions and answers of the schoolchildren reflect their ability to use language for mutual development and expressing opinions.

According to the author, language classes are a training platform for the discourse competent speakers who arrange words, phrases and sentences in the oral text being compliant with a topic of the discussion. In this respect, the procedure of assessment of schoolchildren’s questions and answers according to the criteria of discourse competence has been presented in the article. The criteria have been selected in relation to CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and adapted to the specificity of teaching the Ukrainian language at secondary schools.


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Philosophy and Social Foundations of Education