Дата публікації: 2019-10-041

Peter Machajdík – composer, life and works

Edukacja Muzyczna
Розділ: Статті


Slovak composer, musician and concerto organiser. He was born in Bratislava in 1961. He stud- ied economy at University of Economics in Bratislava. In the 1990s, he attended music composers courses in Amsterdam and Graz. After these courses, he was a guest of the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program. His music has been performed in many countries including Europe, America and Asia. He has collaborated with some of the most famous orchestras and ensembles, soloists, harpists, organists, cellists, violists and many others. His output includes a wide range of chamber, orches- tral, electronic and multimedia works. During his career, he has received many awards all over theworld. Currently, he lives in Ružomberok, working as a freelance composer. The paper presents hislife, works and his way of musical thinking.

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PEKARČIK, P. (2019). Peter Machajdík – composer, life and works. Edukacja Muzyczna, 13, 97–106. https://doi.org/10.16926/em.2018.13.05

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