Published: 2021-05-271

Music Education in Training Early Childhood Education Teachers in the Context of Jerome Bruner’s System of Representations. Its Purpose and Teaching Methodology Modification for Remote Work

Tomasz Dolski
Edukacja Muzyczna
Section: Research articles


The article consists of two parts. The first presents the implications for training early childhood music education teachers which arise from the theory of developmental psychology concerning Jerome Bruner’s system of representations. The author strives to point out that their proper understanding appears to be essential to building a good teaching foundation for working with early childhood education students. With reference to the theory in question, the second part of the article discusses a modification of selected methods of conducting music education at the indicated stage of education in relation to the challenges connected with the necessity to work remotely. The author discusses examples of methodology in detail and suggests modifications. The aim of such treatment of the matter is to demonstrate that it is possible to retain the practical nature of educational efforts in spite of the unfavourable conditions that stem from the need to be isolated and work online.


Jerome Bruner, early childhood education, music education, remote work, modification

Citation rules

Dolski, T. (2021). Music Education in Training Early Childhood Education Teachers in the Context of Jerome Bruner’s System of Representations. Its Purpose and Teaching Methodology Modification for Remote Work. Edukacja Muzyczna, 15, 247–262.

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