
  • The Educational Transactional Analysis

    The Educational Transactional Analysis Journal is aimed at educators, teachers, psychologists and people dealing with transactional analysis in theory and in practice. It can also be treated as a source of inspiration for all those who begin their ‘adventure’ with E. Berne’s concept, but have already noticed its potential.

  • Edukacja Muzyczna

    „Edukacja Muzyczna” (“Music Education”) is a journal with a scientific profile, the objective of which is not only to feature the latest research related to broad issues concerning various forms of music didactics, but primarily it focuses on ‘education’ construed as broadening knowledge in the field of broad musicological research within the disciplines – study of art and musical arts. Therefore, the annual publishes the articles which deal with musicological issues in the area of: the history of music, not only Polish music and not only contemporary music, although this period has received most attention. The articles are devoted to such issues as i.a.: source studies of music, including early music, ethnomusicology, compositional techniques, links between music and literature, philosophy of music, vocal arts, conducting, issues concerning the perception of music and various aspects related to music didactics and music pedagogy, etc.

  • Gubernaculum et Administratio

    Scientific Journal "Gubernaculum et Administratio" has been published since 2001 as a biannual of the Faculty of Law and Economics at the Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa. The journal accepts papers in which academics, doctoral students, students, as well as practitioners analyse current problems in the field of law and administration.

    The "Gubernaculum et Administratio" publishes articles from all areas of law, both public and private, as well as related fields, reflecting the current state and new doctrinal tendencies, as well as articles dealing with current problems of legal practice. The journal also publishes analyses of judicial decisions and administrative decisions, book reviews, and conference reports in Poland and other countries. Expert opinions may also be submitted to the "Gubernaculum et Administratio".

    The "Gubernaculum et Administratio" is addressed to the scientific community, practitioners and students.

    The basic version of the periodical is an online publication.
    Gubernaculum et Administratio (on-line) ISSN 2719-7360
    Gubernaculum et Administratio ISSN 1730-2889

    "Gubernaculum et Administratio" received 70 points (item in table: 31421) in the list of scientific journals announced by the Minister of Science of 5 January 2024.

    The journal is indexed in the following databases: PBN, ERIH PLUS, Arianta.
    Articles - starting from No. 1/2020 - are indexed in the Google Scholar database.
    Articles - starting from No. 1/2015 - receive an individual DOI (Digital Object Identifier) ​​number.
    Issues of the journal are also available on the UJD Repository website.
  • Pedagogics. Studies and Dissertations

    Pedagogics. Studies and Dissertations

    ISSN 2658-1213; e-ISSN 2720-1414; 

    This periodical is intended to be read by researchers involved in the broadly-understood  sciences of upbringing, and also by teachers, educationists, psychologists and other individuals in professions connected with educational institutions. In it, papers devoted to both the contemporary and historical issues of educational thought, upbringing and education are published. The task of this periodical is to present the most recent outcomes of research  in the domains of instruction and upbringing, and also to provide history-based reflection relevant to the transformations in contemporary education in Poland and all over the world. Apart from original scientific papers, this periodical publishes as well other kinds of scientific texts such as: polemical texts, reviews, and also reports on conferences.

     'Pedagogics' is present in the following Polish and international databases: ERIH+ (European Refrence Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences), DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library GmbH), Index Copernicus, Polska Bibliografia Naukowa, Pol-Index,Bazhum.

  • Photographia Academica

    Rocznik „Photographia Academica” stanowi bezpośrednią kontynuację „Prac Naukowych AJD. Edukacja Plastyczna. Fotografia” (vide: i skierowany jest do osób zainteresowanych różnorodnymi zagadnieniami związanymi z fotografią- jej teraźniejszością i przeszłością.

    Periodyk, w którym publikowane są wyłącznie recenzowane artykuły, dostępny jest w wersji drukowanej i cyfrowej.

  • Podstawy Edukacji

    The journal Podstawy Edukacji (Fundamentals of Education) is a yearbook of socio-pedagogical thought, which in each subsequent edition adopts the subtitle which is an intellectual brace integrating the volume. Published from 2008 to 2014 thanks to the efforts of the Department of General Pedagogy and Research Methodology of the Jan Długosz University in Czestochowa, from 2015 as a periodical under Wydawnictwo Naukowe im. Stanisława Podobińskiego AJD in Czestochowa (Stanisław Podobiński Scientific Publishing House of AJD in Częstochowa), and from June 1, 2018 under the name of the Stanisław Podobiński Scientific Publishing House of the Jan Długosz University of Humanities and Natural Sciences in Czestochowa. Since June 1, 2023, with the change of the university's name, the journal Fundamentals of Education has been affiliated with Jan Długosz University in Czestochowa.

  • Pragmata tes Oikonomias

    Historia czasopisma sięga 2006 roku, kiedy to wydawane ono było jako „Zeszyty Naukowe Instytutu Zarządzania i Marketingu Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Seria: Pragmata tes Oikonomias”. Jego pierwszym redaktorem naczelnym był prof. Walenty Ostasiewicz. W 2011 roku nastąpiła zmiana redakcji, a misję prowadzenia periodyku powierzono dr Paulinie Ucieklak-Jeż, prof. UJD.

    Tematyka czasopisma od samego początku koncentruje się wokół szeroko pojętej ekonomii, tzn. wszystkich rzeczy, spraw i produktów naukowych dotyczących umiejętnego gospodarowania nie tylko w ramach gospodarstwa rodzinnego, ale w zakresie kolonii takich gospodarstw, którą Arystoteles nazwał społeczeństwem.

    Periodyk stanowi miejsce wymiany myśli zarówno doświadczonych badaczy, jak i młodych naukowców. Publikowane są w nim teksty polsko- oraz obcojęzyczne. Jego celem jest stworzenie pomostu pomiędzy przedstawicielami ośrodków naukowych z całego świata, którym tematyka ekonomii pozostaje szczególnie bliska.

    ISSN (od roku 2012): 2300-2999

    ISSN (dla pierwotnego tytułu „Zeszyty Naukowe Instytutu Zarządzania i Marketingu Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Seria: Pragmata tes Oikonomias”): 1899-2706

  • Res Politicae

    Czasopismo naukowe „Res Politicae” istnieje od 2006 roku przy Katedrze Nauk o Bezpieczeństwie Uniwersytetu Jana Długosza w Częstochowie, jest rocznikiem, którego profil badawczy to nauki społeczne (w szczególności nauki o polityce i administracji, nauki o bezpieczeństwie) oraz humanistyczne (głównie historia). Radę naukową czasopisma tworzą przedstawiciele samodzielnych pracowników badawczo-dydaktycznych Katedry Nauk o Bezpieczeństwie (Uniwersytet Jana Długosza w Częstochowie) oraz grono pracowników naukowych z polskich ( Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Uniwersytet im. Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Politechnika Rzeszowska, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach) oraz zagranicznych ośrodków akademickich, naukowych (Institute and Museum of Military History - Budapeszt, Institute for Political Studies of Defense and Military History - Bukareszt, Institute of Military History - Bratysława). Listę recenzentów czasopisma „Res Politicae” tworzy kilkunastu przedstawicieli nauki ośrodków akademickich (spoza Uniwersytetu Jana Długosza w Częstochowie).

    Czasopismo uzyskało 20 punktów zgodnie z Komunikatem MEiN z dnia 1 grudnia 2021 r. w sprawie wykazu czasopism naukowych i recenzowanych materiałów z konferencji międzynarodowych

  • Sport and Tourism Central European Journal


    The Sport and Tourism Central European Journal (STCEJ) is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal primarily focused on the broad field of sport, leisure, and recreation history. However, it also addresses topics related to sports theory and health determinants. The journal serves as a significant platform for Central and Eastern European researchers, introducing readers to research from this region. It has been published since 1997 and was formerly known as the "Research Papers of the Jan Długosz University of Częstochowa – Physical Culture Studies and Research." Starting in 2018, it adopted its current title. The journal publishes original articles, reviews, survey reports, humanistic research, and polemic papers. It employs a double-blind peer-review process for all submitted articles. Beginning in January 2021, the journal shifted to primarily publishing content in English.

    The journal received 40 points on the Polish list of scientific journals and reviewed materials from international conferences as of January 5, 2024.

  • Neophilological studies. Linguistic studies ISSN: 2956-5723, previously (for „Neophilological Studies”) ISSN 2657-3032

    Neophilological Studies. Linguistic studies is a peer-reviewed scientific journal constituting a discussion forum for linguists from Poland and abroad in the field of general, comparative, cognitive, sociolinguistics, pragmalinguistics, psycholinguistics, semantics, onomastics, glottodidactics, translation and traductology and other branches of broadly understood linguistics. The aim of the journal is to disseminate the results of research on one or more languages, conducted from different research perspectives, using different methodological approaches.

    Subsequent volumes, devoted to specific research issues, document the achievements of linguistics and indicate the directions of development of scientific thought in the field of Polish and European linguistics.

    The yearbook also publishes review articles, reports from conferences, symposia and other scientific events in English, German, Polish and other European languages.

    According to the announcement of the Minister of Education and Science of 1 December 2021 on the list of scientific journals and peer-reviewed materials from international conferences, the journal received 20 points.