Elitism Information – cuius informatio, eius regio?


  • Dariusz Gregorczyk


elitism, power, information, the struggle for power, use of information


Functioning of the elites in social structures had and still has a very significant impact on the development of humanity. The power elite, through its position define the main directions of political, economic, social, and cultural development. The struggle ongoing now between elites for power, and as a result of the ability to decide the fate of the society or the world, it is also largely struggles for information. Globalization of the world and the changes associated with the formation of information societies mean, that information is used as a weapon of war by practically all the elite class of society. Ruling elites benefit from specialized institutions, which deal with obtaining news of potential rivals or enemies, to secure a dominant position in society. At the same time competitors to become the ruling elite also willingly use that weapon that is the knowledge and information about the enemy. The rapid development of the science means, that on the one hand there are now new areas of activity present elites. On the other hand, it contributes to the growing importance of specialized professional groups or to the formation of a completely new exclusive ranges or centers of power.





Selected political processes and phenomena