Family perception in drawings of teens from depending on alcohol families




family psychology, family image, projective test, substance dependence


The subject of the research was the image of the family as perceived by girls from families where the father is an addicted person. The aim of the research was to find out how girls from families with addiction perceive relationships between people in their family, what are the bonds, family structure and communication processes. The study included 50 teens: 25 girls from families where the father is addicted to alcohol, and 25 girls from families where there is no alcohol addiction. According to the systemic approach, a family is a system of elements that are in mutual relations. Changing one element that makes up a family brings about a change in the entire system, but also the change depends on the entire family system. Thus, in a family where the father or mother are addicts, it can be said that the whole family functions as an addict. The hypothesis assumes that the perception of the family will be different in each study groups.


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